So I'm a little late getting these pictures edited and put up, but these are from my brother's third and final prom (this year). Unless, of course, he gets asked again by his younger friends who are about to become seniors. This was the same location as his Cy-Fair prom group (as you can see in a previous post), but this time I didn't take pictures of everyone so we had so more fun exploring new locations and poses. I hope you enjoy and maybe get a few ideas for any future prom or other formal photos!

*P.S. In case you thought three proms was a lot, my brother went to two last year, escorted at two Brigade (drill team) balls, attended or escorted maybe two or three senior presentations for the National Charity League I used to be in... I've lost count.., participated twice in the Mr. Cy-fair Fundraiser pageant and there are probably a few I'm forgetting. Needless to say, the tux place knows him by name and he will definitely be embarrassed that I shared this on the internet. Thats what sisters are for, right? #sorrynotsorry